シンポジウム 7-2

Changes of Ukrainian medical system in wartime: the experience of National Children’s Hospital “OHMATDYT”

戦時下におけるウクライナの医療システムの変化:国立小児病院 “OHMATDYT “の経験から

演者 Olena Nesterenko 先生


MD, Paediatrician, Blood banking & Transfusion medicine specialist; National Children’s Specialized Hospital “OHMATDYT” (Kyiv, Ukraine)


 In terms of destruction, war is similar to a disaster, as it lasts long and requires a lot of resources. But unlike natural disasters, war is not an accident – invaders have the intention to destroy, kill and control.

 The Russian full-scale invasion of Ukraine targets not only military objects but also includes the intended destruction of critical and civilian infrastructures and a shortage of resources as well as the intended murder, abduction and hostage-taking of health personnel and patients.

 The medical system in Ukraine was forced to change gradually during the past 9 years of the Russian-Ukrainian war. This allowed it to adapt in February 2022, and provide patients with necessary medical care.

 The experience of the National Specialized Children’s Hospital OHMADYT in Kyiv demonstrates that keeping the quality of health care service at a high level is a big challenge during wartime. In order to ensure continuous medical care with limited resources including people, medical supplies, electricity and water, new solutions were developed, namely, treatment schedules, follow-up plans, evacuation of patients, transfusion number reduction, and keeping a balance between shortage and wastage. Each medic in our hospital, despite being civil, was forced to master new knowledge and skills such as using principles of TCCC, Massive Transfusion Protocol, as well as mental health management, the new hospital and social media security protocols during the military and nuclear aggression.

 We believe our new knowledge is important for understanding the possible health care strategies for saving more lives.




 キエフの国立小児専門病院OHMADYTの経験は、戦時中に医療サービスの質を高いレベルに保つことが大きな挑戦であることを示している。人、医療品、電気、水など限られた資源で継続的な医療を確保するため、新たな解決策が開発された。すなわち、治療スケジュール、フォローアップ計画、患者の避難、輸血数の削減、不足と無駄遣いのバランスを保つなどである。私たちの病院の医師一人一人は、市民であるにもかかわらず、軍事的・核的侵略の中で、TCCC (戦術的第一線救護;Tactical Combat Casualty Care)や大量輸血プロトコルの原則、メンタルヘルス管理、新しい病院やソーシャルメディアのセキュリティ・プロトコルの使用など、新しい知識や技術を習得することを余儀なくされた。



