Waiting for the blast

 Doctors covered the windows of the small room with sandbags making it “safest possible” against shrapnel and gunshot bullets.


Severodonetsk, Luhansk region
June 2022.
Photo provided by Oleksandr Sokolenko, MD

Severodonetsk, Luhansk region
June 2022.
Photo provided by Oleksandr Sokolenko, MD

 Stabilization room of Severodonetsk city hospital. June 2022. Sandbags in windows are intended to catch shrapnel, wrecks, and gunshots. The city struggled under the constant Russian attacks and extensive artillery shelling. Only in April 2022, the hospital was under attack 27 times.


 The windows in operating rooms are closed and covered with plywood or cardboard sheets in an attempt to minimize possible injuries caused by sharp glass and small metal wrecks in case of nearby explosions.

Operation room of Kyiv City Clinical Hospital №17.
Early March 2022.
Photo provided by Uliana Minaieva, MD

Operation room of Kyiv City Clinical Hospital №17.
Early March 2022.
Photo provided by Uliana Minaieva, MD

 During the Battle for Kyiv, the capital expected massive shelling and invasion. The windows in all the hospital wards, corridors, and operating rooms were closed and covered with plywood or cardboard sheets.
 Kyivにおける戦闘では、首都への大規模な砲撃と侵攻が予想されていた。 すべての病棟、廊下、手術室の窓は閉め切られ、合板や段ボールで覆われていた。

 Windows are the most fragile part of buildings. There is a rule of two walls: to protect people from wrecks and sharp glass in case of shelling, move everyone to a room with no windows and separated from outside with at least two walls. But often in hospitals, it is impossible to move medical equipment and critically ill patients to corridors or basements. In this case, windows must be covered to protect people inside hospital wards. Cardboards, tape, plywood, plastic or metal sheets, wood, and sandbags are widely used for this purpose.
 窓は建物で最も壊れやすい場所である。砲撃があった場合、破片や鋭利なガラスから人々を守るため、窓のない部屋に全員を移動させ、少なくとも2つの壁で外から隔てるというルール“Two walls rule”がある。しかし病院では、医療機器や重篤な患者を廊下や地下室に移動させることは不可能なことが多い。この場合、病棟内の人々を守るために窓を塞いで覆う必要がある。この窓を塞ぐ為の物として、ダンボール、テープ、合板、プラスチックや金属板、木材、土嚢袋などが広く使われている。

Exhibition Manager(展示責任者)
Oleksandra Riabets: MD, Bogomolets National Medical University (Kyiv, Ukraine); PhD student, Department of Neurosurgery, Juntendo University, Tokyo
Tetiana Yatsenko: Ph.D., Senior researcher, Palladin Institute of Biochemistry of NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv; JSPS Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Juntendo University, Tokyo

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