Maternity under bombing

Municipal maternity hospital of Chernihiv City.
February 27th, 2022.
Photo provided by Tetiana Holota, MD

Municipal maternity hospital of Chernihiv City.
February 27th, 2022.
Photo provided by Tetiana Holota, MD

 A woman is giving birth in the corridor during an air raid in Chernihiv.
 Doctors and patients of Chernihiv maternity hospital were hiding in the hospital corridor following the “Two walls rule”: if there is no shelter, hide in a room with two walls but no windows.


In the first days of the full-scale invasion, Chernihiv was almost encircled and there were no safe ways to escape from the city constantly shelled by air bombs, artillery, and missiles. Fires, explosions, blackouts, damaged water supply systems, and no food supply were a part of life in Chernihiv for more than a month.



Vinnytsia Regional Perinatal Center.
March 29th, 2022.
Photo provided by Tetiana Holota, MD

Vinnytsia Regional Perinatal Center.
March 29th, 2022.
Photo provided by Tetiana Holota, MD

 Organization of a makeshift basement at the maternity hospital in Vinnytsia at the beginning of the Russian war.
 At the beginning of the invasion hospital basements were not prepared to be bomb shelters. But during air raid sirens even cold basement rooms are safer for newborns and their mothers, as well as for the hospital personnel, than wards.


Exhibition Manager(展示責任者)
Oleksandra Riabets: MD, Bogomolets National Medical University (Kyiv, Ukraine); PhD student, Department of Neurosurgery, Juntendo University, Tokyo
Tetiana Yatsenko: Ph.D., Senior researcher, Palladin Institute of Biochemistry of NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv; JSPS Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Juntendo University, Tokyo