Looking for safety

National Children’s Specialized Hospital OHMATDYT, Kyiv. End of February 2022 Photo provided by Lesya Lysytsia, MD

National Children’s Specialized Hospital OHMATDYT, Kyiv. End of February 2022
Photo provided by Lesya Lysytsia, MD

 Oleksandr Lysytsia, Head of Bone Marrow Transplant Division, is preparing documents for his patients to be transferred abroad because of the war. His little daughters stayed together with him and his wife Lesya, an ophthalmology doctor in OHMATDYT, in February-March 2022.
 写真は、骨髄移植部門の責任者である医師Oleksandr Lysytsiaが、戦争のため海外に移送される患者の書類を準備しているところだ。一緒にいる彼の小さな娘たちは、2022年2月から3月にかけて、彼とOHMATDYT病院の眼科医である妻のLesyaと一緒に滞在した。

 All medical staff of OHMATDYT lived at the hospital during the first 2 months of the full-scale invasion. It was the longest day shift in their life. A lot of doctors and nurses brought their relatives and children to the hospital too. In this way, they could better perform their duties, at least knowing where the family was and hoping that the basement of the hospital would protect their relatives.
 Before everyone realized that the healthcare system is one of the targets of Russian forces, a lot of citizens tried to find shelter in the hospital basements.


Exhibition Manager(展示責任者)
Oleksandra Riabets: MD, Bogomolets National Medical University (Kyiv, Ukraine); PhD student, Department of Neurosurgery, Juntendo University, Tokyo
Tetiana Yatsenko: Ph.D., Senior researcher, Palladin Institute of Biochemistry of NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv; JSPS Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Juntendo University, Tokyo

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