National Health Service of Ukraine


Head of the National Health Service of Ukraine

Head of the National Health Service of Ukraine_NATALIA HUSAK

 More than 6 hours of air raid sirens over the region, many of which are accompanied by “arrivals” – these are the realities of our Donetsk region. Most of the surviving windows here are tightly sealed with tape, and where it has already “striked” – blocked with plywood. The war is felt on every street, in every house…

 空襲警報のサイレンが6時間以上鳴り響き、その多くが「着弾」している–これが私たちの住むドネツク地方の現実です。ここに残っている窓のほとんどはテープでしっかりと封鎖され、すでに「爆撃」があったところはベニヤ板でふさがれています。 戦争はどの通り、どの家でも、感じとることができます。。。

 Over 19 months of full-scale invasion, the Russian army continues to cynically destroy the medical system of Ukraine, shelling hospitals, clinics, maternity hospitals and terrorizing the country’s civilian population.


 Among the medical infrastructure, the Russian occupiers destroyed a total of 190 medical facilities and damaged 1,438 facilities. Medical facilities in Kharkiv region, Kherson region, Donetsk region, Mykolaiv region, Kyiv region, and Chernihiv region suffered the greatest losses. In addition, since the beginning of the war, the enemy has damaged 103 ambulances, destroyed 253 vehicles and captured 125 “emergency” vehicles (based on data from the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, as of September 25, 2023).

医療インフラのうち、ロシア軍は合計190の医療施設を破壊し、1,438の施設を損壊した。 ハリコフ地方、へルソン地方、ドネツク地方、ミコライフ地方、キエフ地方、チェルニヒフ地方の医療施設が最も甚大な被害を受けました。 また、開戦以来、敵は救急車103台に損害を与え、253台の車両を破壊し、125台の「救急」車両を略奪しました(ウクライナ保健省のデータに基づく、2023年9月25日現在)。

However, the medical system remains resilient. It adapted to the new realities and continues to work in the interests of patients.


 During the full-scale war, the Program of Medical Guarantees (PMG) was not shortened, but on the contrary – expanded. NHSU continues to finance all service packages that were purchased under the PMG before the war, including priority ones.

全面戦争中、医療保障制度(PMG)は削減されるどころか、逆に拡大されました。NHSU(National Health Service of Ukraine;ウクライナ国民健康保険サービス)は、戦前にPMGの下で加入したすべてのサービスパッケージ(優先的なものも含む)に資金を提供し続けています。

With the beginning of the war, the PMG responded to the new medical needs of Ukrainians.


 In 2022-2023, we added new packages, including “Complex rehabilitation care for adults and children” and “Support and treatment of adults and children with mental disorders at the primary level of medical care.” Thanks to these packages, people who were injured during the war were able to receive high-quality medical care and rehabilitation, as well as receive primary psychological care.

2022年から2023年にかけて、私たちは “大人と子どもの複合的リハビリテーション・ケア “や “一次医療レベルでの大人と子どもの精神障害の支援と治療 “などの新しい医療施策を追加しました。これらの施策のおかげで、戦争中に負傷した人々は、質の高い医療とリハビリを受け、一次的な心のケアを受けることができています。

 Service packages such as “Ensuring the preservation of personnel for providing medical assistance to the population located on the temporarily occupied territory” and ” Ensuring of medical assistance to the population located on the territory where hostilities are taking place” were also an important supplement, since these packages allow medical institutions in the combat zone or temporarily occupied territory to receive funds at the same level regardless of the number of patients – the payments depend on the number and categories of employees as of December 1, 2022.


 In 2024, a package of assisted reproductive technologies (cryopreservation of biomaterial) will appear for the first time in the PMG, as the preservation and reproduction of human capital in Ukraine is the number one issue during the war.


An important issue today is the medical assistance to the internally displaced people.


 The transformation of Ukrainian medical system made it possible for the patient to get medical care wherever it is convenient for him, regardless of the place of registration or residence. This rule continues to apply during the war. Therefore, patients who have moved to other regions of the country due to hostilities can receive the medical care that they need free of charge in other medical institutions of the country at their place of stay.



Exhibition Manager(展示責任者)
Oleksandra Riabets: MD, Bogomolets National Medical University (Kyiv, Ukraine); PhD student, Department of Neurosurgery, Juntendo University, Tokyo
Tetiana Yatsenko: Ph.D., Senior researcher, Palladin Institute of Biochemistry of NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv; JSPS Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Juntendo University, Tokyo