Medical system in Ukraine

Medical System in Ukraine: Health Financing Reform and its changes forced by the Russian-Ukrainian war


Since 2016 preparations for a full-scale transformation of the medical system in Ukraine began. The main goal was to ensure equal access to the high-quality medical services for all citizens of Ukraine, to provide financial protection from excessive out-of-pocket health care payments, as well as to generally improve the health outcomes of the population.


 To achieve this, it was decided to focus on three main points: service delivery system, provider payment arrangements, and the quality of care. And finally at the end of 2017, a new health financing law—the Law on Financial Guarantees for Health Care Services— was implemented, which described a new approach to financing the medical industry based on the principle that “money follows the patient” by establishing the Program of Medical Guarantees (PMG) and creating the National Health Service of Ukraine (NHSU).
 目標を達成するために、サービス提供体制、医療費の支払い体制、医療の質の3点に焦点を当て計画されることとなった。そして最終的に2017年末、新しい医療財政法-“Law on Financial Guarantees for Health Care Services(医療サービスの財政保証に関する法律)”-が施行され、医療保険プログラム(Program of Medical Guarantees; PMG)の設立とウクライナ国民医療サービス(National Health Service of Ukraine;NHSU)の創設により、「患者を診ただけ支払われる」という原則に基づく医療産業への財政拠出の新たな手法が示された。


The NHSU is the central executive body that implements state policy in the field of state financial guarantees for healthcare servicing of the population. Activities of the NHSU are directed and coordinated by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine through the Ministry of Health. Key policy decisions governing healthcare financing, including approval of the PMG and budget proposals are made by the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Finance.

The NHSU purchases services from providers using contracts that define service specifications. Each service package has specific requirements that providers must meet in order to get contracted with the NHSU. The service specifications are defined by the NHSU through working groups that include Ministry of Health representatives, some international partners, service providers, medical doctors and researchers.
Providers must meet universal requirements (licensing, legal status, e-health functionalities) and package-specific requirements, related to facility characteristics, medical personnel, and equipment. Services are purchased using different types of payment methods, including global budgets, case-based payments, fee-for-service for hospital care, and capitation for primary healthcare.

Program of Medical Guarantees

 Program of state guarantees of medical service to the population (PMG) became the central part of the health financing reform. The PMG is a defined package of medical services, which is provided free of charge to the population through contracted health facilities and administered by the NHSU. Now there 50 packages, they are divided in categories – Primary Healthcare (PHC), Specialized Healthcare, Emergency Healthcare, COVID-19 and Affordable Medicine (AMP). The projects for the packages are created annually, however they can be adjusted throughout the year.

As of 2023.10.15, the National Health Insurance Fund has contracts with 6515 healthcare providers. The amount of payment for the service in the contract is determined based on the data of previous years. But actual payment would be provided on the basis of information and documents entered by the provider of medical services into the electronic health system.
In February 2022 it was impossible for doctors to enter the data because of power outages, constant shelling. Also, at first all databases were closed (as medical records contain crucial information about a person, which was used by the russians). So payments to health care providers were calculated monthly on the basis of 1/12 of the planned cost of medical services for the relevant package of medical services for 2022. From now on, for medical institutions that are not located on the occupied or frontline territories, it is again mandatory to submit reports on medical services and payment is applied based on these reports.

data from annual report of National Health Service of Ukraine (2022)

One of the important part of the reform is Primary Health Care (PHC).
Every citizen of Ukraine, who wants to be enrolled in PHC package, should make a declaration with a family doctor. This can be any family doctor, both in private and public hospital. You can choose a family doctor and sign a declaration with him regardless of your place of residence or registration.
PHC providers are paid based on a national capitation rate adjusted for age and terrain that includes a penalty for providers that exceed the recommended number of people enrolled (up to 1,800 declarations for family doctors and up to 900 for pediatricians). Patients wishing to access specialized care free of charge need a referral—provided electronically as an e-referral—from a PHC provider. To access medicines provided at pharmacies through the AMP, they need an e-prescription from a PHC provider. PHC delivery in Ukraine is increasingly embracing digital technology. Beyond e-referrals and e-prescriptions, the use of electronic medical records enables providers to access patient histories and track care provided.
この改革の重要な部分のひとつが、プライマリー・ヘルスケア(PHC)である。PHCに加入したいウクライナ国民は、かかりつけ医に登録する必要がある。かかりつけ医は、私立病院でも公立病院でもかまわない。かかりつけ医は、居住地や登録地に関係なく選ぶことができる。 PHCの医療提供者は、年齢や 地域によって調整された国の人頭分担金に基づいて報酬が支払われ、推奨登録者数(家庭医は最大1,800人、小児科医は最大900人)を超えた医療提供者にはペナルティが課される。専門医療を無料で受けたい患者は、PHCプロバイダーからの紹介状(e-referralとして電子的に提供される)が必要である。AMPを通じて薬局で処方される医薬品を利用するには、PHC提供者からの電子処方箋が必要である。ウクライナのPHCは、デジタル技術を積極的に取り入れている。電子紹介状や電子処方箋だけでなく、電子カルテの使用により、医療提供者は患者の履歴にアクセスし、提供されたケアを追跡することができる。

data from annual report of National Health Service of Ukraine (2022)

 Since March 2022, online consultations of patients via eHealth service (website or mobile application) have been implemented, which allow patients to receive free online consultation via video meeting with doctors all over Ukraine, as well as abroad, to get e-prescription for drugs, etc. without visiting a clinic. It is important to add that due to the development of telemedicine and the expansion and simplification of certain aspects of the work of primary care doctors, right from the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the number of non-specialist and non-emergency calls to the ambulance dropped from 70% to almost 0. This freed up a lot of resources and time for emergency teams to respond specifically to emergencies and critical cases.

 The Affordable Medicine Program (AMP) is managed by the NSHU since 2019 and aims to increase the availability and affordability of outpatient medicines through contracted pharmacies for patients with high- priority conditions. Initially, the AMP covered three selected conditions: cardiovascular diseases, bronchial asthma, and Type 2 diabetes. The list of medicines covered by the AMP has been gradually expanding: it currently includes trade names of 435 medicines.

data from annual report of National Health Service of Ukraine (2022)

 The NHSU reimburses contracted pharmacies directly for AMP prescriptions, using the e-prescription part of the e-health system. The list of eligible medicines in the AMP is defined using international nonproprietary names (INNs) and then specified by trade name. Data from five Eastern European countries—the Czech Republic, Hungary, Latvia, Poland, and Slovakia—are used to define a median reference price for each INN. For each reimbursed INN, the cheapest trade name generic price in the local market becomes the reimbursement reference tariff. Patients can obtain the cheapest Trade name generic free of charge. Trade name generics that are priced below the reimbursement (international) price, but above the reimbursement reference tariff (domestic) are reimbursed, but the patient has to pay the difference.

In spite of everything, in 2022, Ukrainians have received “Affordable Medicines” on electronic and paper prescriptions. Since November 1st, 2022, the reimbursement program has included medicines for people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and Parkinson’s disease. Now, it also contains painkillers, which become crucial in the treatment of severe wounds during the war.

Exhibition Manager(展示責任者)
Oleksandra Riabets: MD, Bogomolets National Medical University (Kyiv, Ukraine); PhD student, Department of Neurosurgery, Juntendo University, Tokyo
Tetiana Yatsenko: Ph.D., Senior researcher, Palladin Institute of Biochemistry of NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv; JSPS Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Juntendo University, Tokyo