Basic Information about Ukrine

Land and Population

 Ukraine as a nation became independent after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. Ukraine is a much larger country, twice the size of Japan, but with a population of about 0.35 times and a population density of about 0.22 times that of Japan. Therefore, Ukraine is a country with a much larger land area than Japan that needs to be covered by medical services. France is closer to Ukraine in terms of land area, but France is more populous, with a population density of about 1.7 times that of Ukraine.

Status of healthcare services

 Japan has about twice as many hospital beds per capita than Ukraine. Japan’s hospital beds are significantly higher than in other countries. On the other hand, the number of doctors per capita in Japan is low, while the number in Ukraine is about 1.2 times higher. The number of nurses and midwives is steadily increasing in each country, while it has not changed in Ukraine.

 The crude mortality rate per population in Ukraine is as high as about 15, partly because the medical situation is still improving. The increase in crude mortality occurred in many countries in FY2020 and is likely due to COVID-19. Japan’s crude mortality rate continues to rise due to the ageing of its population. Improvements in Ukraine’s medical situation are clearly shown in the neonatal mortality rate and in the mortality rate for children of other age groups that are not presented here. Ukraine has greatly reduced child and maternal deaths as a result of improved medical care.

Data from the World Bank ( and Statistics Bureau of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications of Japan, “World Statistics 2023” (

Last checked on 10/4/2023

