Thank You for standing with Ukraine!

 Now the phrase “I’m from Ukraine” sounds completely different than a few years before. However, thinking about the possible number of Ukrainians murdered since February 2022, convinces that it would be better if the world still does not know where the monument to Shevchenko is located in Kyiv or how far Izyum is from Kharkiv.
You cannot get used to war, no matter how many explosions you have experienced, but you can try to adapt to the conditions and do everything possible to fight for your goals.

 Ukrainian medical system is fighting – it organized itself to manage the patients in war circumstances, to resist the horrific pressure from the Russian aggression and to keep saving people’s lives even with a resource shortage. Moreover, medical system is not something unmanned – it has thousands of faces, doctors, nurses, healthcare managers, volunteers, students, patients – and everyone deserves respect for their fight.

 We are extremely grateful to all Ukrainian medical professionals for their fight for every patient every day.

 We would also like to thank doctors and patients who agreed to share their experience with us and provided stories and comments which give the opportunity to get the image of hospital and volunteer work today in Ukraine.

 We would like to express our big gratitude to the Embassy of Ukraine in Japan, National Health Services of Ukraine, National Children’s Specialized Hospital “OHMATDYT” for the support of our photo exhibition.
 本写真展を支援してくださった在日ウクライナ大使館、ウクライナ国立保健サービス、国立小児専門病院 “OHMATDYT “に感謝の意を表します。

 We are grateful for the assistance during the whole preparation process and funding support to Asian Association for Protecting Children. We would also like to thank the city of Zentsuji for inviting us to hold this exhibition and providing us with such a wonderful venue.

 And thank you to all the participants who visited our exhibition for your interest and support.

Thank You for standing with Ukraine!



Exhibition Manager(展示責任者)
Oleksandra Riabets: MD, PhD student, Department of Neurosurgery, Juntendo University, Tokyo