July 8th 2024

National Children’s Specialized Hospital OHMATDYT, Kyiv.

National Children’s Specialized Hospital OHMATDYT, Kyiv.
July 8th, 2024.
Photo provided by OHMATDYT press office

The damaged buildings of childrens hospital and the damaged ambulance after the shelling.
At 10:42 am on Monday, July 8th 2024, russians launched a missile that hit the children hospital Ohmatdyt in Kyiv.
As a result of this attack, over 300 people were injured, including 8 children. Two adults died, one of them was a doctor-nephrologist.
There was another medical facility in Kyiv struck that day, killing 6 medical workers and 2 patients. In total, on July 8th only in Kyiv russians killed 33 civilians, 5 of them were children.


National Children’s Specialized Hospital OHMATDYT, Kyiv.

National Children’s Specialized Hospital OHMATDYT, Kyiv.
July 8th, 2024.
Photo provided by OHMATDYT press office

The destroyed building of Toxicology Intensive Care Unit after the direct shelling.
“We felt a powerful explosion. The ground shook, and the walls trembled. Both children and adults screamed and cried from fear, and the wounded from pain. It was real hell.
We went out into the yard and saw that a russian missile had struck the Toxicology intensive care unit and a therapy department for chronic intoxications. That part of the building was completely destroyed. The floors collapsed, and we could hear people crying out for help from beneath the rubble.”

砲撃の後、破壊された薬物中毒集中治療室(Toxicology Intensive Care Unit)の建物。

National Children’s Specialized Hospital OHMATDYT, Kyiv.

National Children’s Specialized Hospital OHMATDYT, Kyiv.
July 8th, 2024.
Photo provided by OHMATDYT press office


Ohmatdyt means Protection of Mother and Child and it is Ukraine’s largest children’s medical center. Approximately 18,000 children receive planned treatment, 20,000 children get emergency care, and 13,000 surgeries are performed every year.
Besides providing all required treatment and rehabilitation for children of all age from all over Ukraine and abroad, this hospital specializes in management of blood cancer and other blood diseases that require bone marrow transplantation and related kinds of specialized treatment.



National Children’s Specialized Hospital OHMATDYT, Kyiv.

National Children’s Specialized Hospital OHMATDYT, Kyiv.
July 8th, 2024.
Photo provided by OHMATDYT press office


At the time when air raid siren went off, three heart surgeries were in progress in the operating rooms. Pausing them would have threatened lives of the kids.
Doctors covered the babies with their body to protect from glass and debris. Luckily, all the kids that were undergoing the operations were saved and later evacuated to other hospitals to continue the surgery. The medical staff had multiple injuries but were alive.



National Children’s Specialized Hospital OHMATDYT, Kyiv.

National Children’s Specialized Hospital OHMATDYT, Kyiv.
July 8th, 2024.
Photo provided by OHMATDYT press office


The hospital had to suspend medical services because of the damage caused by this direct russian attack.
In total 24 departments we,re damaged: 10 surgical departments, 5 oncology departments, 3 intensive care units, 2 operating blocks, 2 therapeutic departments, the radiology department, prenatal care department and the radiation therapy department.
The toxicology department and traumatology department have been completely destroyed.
The oncohematology laboratory, which is the only existing in Ukraine, was damaged too.



National Children’s Specialized Hospital OHMATDYT, Kyiv.

National Children’s Specialized Hospital OHMATDYT, Kyiv.
July 8th, 2024.
Photo provided by OHMATDYT press office


Afte the air raid siren went off, the hospital staff began evacuating patients to the bomb shelter.
At that time more than 627 patients and around the same number of medical staff were in the hospital.
A lot of children were receiving intravenous infusions, dialysis, mechanical ventilation, which make it hard to evacuate them to the bomb shelter immediately.



National Children’s Specialized Hospital OHMATDYT, Kyiv.

National Children’s Specialized Hospital OHMATDYT, Kyiv.
July 8th, 2024.
Photo provided by OHMATDYT press office

8 kids were severely injured because of the shelling of the hospital.
They received all necessary first aid and were transported to other medical facilities as soon as possible.
Two days later a small boy died in the ICU due to the injuries that he received during Ohmatdyt shelling.
Besides injuries from glass and debris, sick children received severe traumatic stress from this attack and they will require a long psychological rehabilitation as well.


National Children’s Specialized Hospital OHMATDYT, Kyiv.

National Children’s Specialized Hospital OHMATDYT, Kyiv.
July 8th, 2024.
Photo provided by OHMATDYT press office


After the explosion all medical staff, who were not involved in the evacuation of children, rushed to help remove the debris and rubbles in attempt to save people underneath the destroyed building.
Oleh Golubchenko, pediatric maxillofacial surgeon, was injured in the operation room during the shelling. Despite his injuries, he came to help save the injured from the ruined toxicology department.
Moreover, a lot of civilian volunteers came from all over the city to help evacuate injured kids and their parents. People were bringing food and water as well as hygiene and medical supplies, clothes and toys.


小児顎顔面外科専門医のOleh Golubchenkoは、砲撃の際に手術室で負傷した。彼自身も負傷していたにもかかわらず、彼は廃墟と化した薬物中毒治療部門から負傷者を救うためにやってきた。

National Children’s Specialized Hospital OHMATDYT, Kyiv.

National Children’s Specialized Hospital OHMATDYT, Kyiv.
July 8th, 2024.
Photo provided by OHMATDYT press office

After the end of air raid siren all the kids were examined and received necessary medical help.
465 little patients who came for planned treatment were assessed and discharged home. 94 patients were evacuated to other hospitals, 8 of them were injured during the shelling.
Unfortunately, it took some time to organize evacuation as it was not safe to leave the bomb shelter and enter the explosion area as well as it was impossible for the ambulances to get to the hospital due to the debris and rubbles.


National Children’s Specialized Hospital OHMATDYT, Kyiv.
July 8th, 2024.
Photo provided by OHMATDYT press office


The strike will have long-lasting effects on kids’ health and life.
It is unknown how big will be the impact of non-sterile conditions in bomb shelter and evacuation to the new medical facility on treatment and prognosis of sick kids, especially those with oncohematology diseases.
Patients will face a shortage of medical care, and unfortunately, specialized medical services with high-tech equipment won’t be restored soon. A lot of kids will have their treatment delayed because of this and it will influence their health.



Exhibition Manager(展示責任者)
Oleksandra Riabets: MD, PhD student, Department of Neurosurgery, Juntendo University, Tokyo