Black Zone

National Children’s Specialized Hospital OHMATDYT, Kyiv, 
February 26th,2022
Photo provided by OHMATDYT press office; Olena Nesterenko, MD

National Children’s Specialized Hospital OHMATDYT, Kyiv,
February 26th,2022
Photo provided by OHMATDYT press office; Olena Nesterenko, MD

 Body of the unknown boy was unwillingly located in the ambulance garage near the emergency entrance and covered on top with a piece of slate.
 Because of the air raid siren, it was dangerous to transfer the dead child’s body instantly to the pathology department, which is in another building of the hospital.


 On 26th of February, 5 civilian citizens were delivered to the hospital OHMATDYT, who have found themselves under the shelling while they were driving the car. One child was already dead at the time of admission to the hospital, and the other two children and two adults had head and limb injuries. They were treated immediately.
 As the relatives were in critical condition and there was no way to get the child’s data, the patient in the photo was registered as ‘Unknown’. His body was unwillingly located in the ambulance garage near the emergency entrance and covered on top with a piece of slate. Because of the air raid siren, it was dangerous to transfer the dead child’s body instantly to the pathology department, which is in another building of the hospital.

Exhibition Manager(展示責任者)
Oleksandra Riabets: MD, Bogomolets National Medical University (Kyiv, Ukraine); PhD student, Department of Neurosurgery, Juntendo University, Tokyo
Tetiana Yatsenko: Ph.D., Senior researcher, Palladin Institute of Biochemistry of NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv; JSPS Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Juntendo University, Tokyo

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